134 7828 5782
電話:134 7828 5782
傳真:024-8586 1648
Q Q :1971826608
Control and regulation of maturing, cooking, smoking, and air conditioning systems in the meat processing industry.
The modular process control is suitable for controlling and regulating cooking, smoking, and air conditioning systems as well as all associated devices such as smoke generators, catalysts, etc. It is available in portrait and landscape format.
The device has a 5" color display with 27 colors. The user interface masks can be designed and adapted according to individual requirements. For this purpose it is possible to place texts, process values, background images, and icons wherever the user wishes to do so. A status line shows the last alarm. In addition, LED displays are integrated to allow the most important process variables to be read even from a great distance.
Special functions can be assigned to individual keys which can be labeled according to one's choice.
The device saves up to 99 programs including names and 99 sections each.
In 99 process steps all processes required in the system are defined and only need to be invoked when entering the program. A Plug and Play memory is available as an option. This stores all data contained in the device, thereby allowing easy hardware exchange without data loss. The "Teleservice" software allows configuration settings to be made via modem and the telephone network so that an on-site service assignment is not necessary.
A communication interface with Modbus or PROFIBUS-DP allows integration into a network.
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聯系電話:134 7828 5782 電子郵件:wjx_ld@163.com QQ:1971826608 公司地址:沈陽市鐵西區建設東路43-1號和諧大廈A座1401室
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